Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Picture of the day

Made right here in New Zealand against all odds. Not only that Maree is working after hours at her own choice, talk about minority. I'm starting to worry about the direction of my Country. Lets not forget why our great Grand dadies and Grandmas migrated to New Zealand. We are a bunch of people that can do things for ourselves and for each other. Don't let our quality of life abuse the situation in other parts of the planet.


WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Hi Daniel, just wanted to tell you I've spent some time visiting your blog, browsing the photos. Nice job. I'm envious of your back yard. ;) Guess you never have to water it. It is water!

Meg said...

Nice pic. Is it Canterbury of NZ by any chance? Sad that every other manufacturer is moving to China. There'll be nothing to buy with Buy NZ campaign.

Meg said...

Hello!!!! Anybody home?

daniel said...

sorry I've been focusing on a few other things, but I have managed to maintain my collection of photos every day so here goes